About ABLE ABE Studios

At the heart of my vision for my life is the all-encompassing need to tell a story through a drawing, a storyboard, a photograph, a screenplay, and a film. My life was drastically changed during my days in high school where I was a young three sport athlete with aspirations of playing college sports and possibly the pros. I had always been artistic and creative, but that seemed to be a gift I took for granted like walking and being physically able to get up and go.


In 1995 I was in a car accident that took my best friend, injured a few others and left me a quadriplegic set to live life from a wheelchair. Dashed were my hopes of continuing to play sports at any level and the outlook for my future was re-directed dramatically making me focus even more on the things that were in my ability believing I could still be a productive member of society.


Today after living through the early adjustments, coping with life from a chair and facing the worst of it, I realize I still have the ability to impact the world. Upon graduating from California State University, Chico in 2006, I find myself best suited for creative endeavors and have led numerous projects from art and fashion shows to writing and directing two short films. Furthermore, my vision is to tell stories, intriguing, motivating, and entertaining and by doing so I may inspire and encourage others to follow their dreams and goals no matter what obstacle they may face.



                                                                                                                                 Marc Johnson
